Setting up a Crypto Wallet

In order to purchase $LATR, you must have an Ethereum compatible crypto wallet.

We recommend MetaMask, you can download it here: MetaMask Sign Up. Make sure to write down your private key and store it in a safe place.

Buying ETH on an Exchange

You will need to add ~213 $LATR market value of Ethereum to your wallet. You can do this through a primary exchange, like Coinbase. If you do not have an account with a primary exchange, you will need to create one. Any EVM compatible token can be swapped for $LATR, but we recommend buying ETH (Ethereum).

As of 05/23/2022, 213 $LATR = 0.161601 ETH = 322.929 USDC. This number may change.

Sending ETH to MetaMask

Next, you will need to send your ETH to your MetaMask account.

Go to your MetaMask wallet, and copy your wallet address.


If you are using Coinbase, go to your account, and click Send/Receive in the top right of the page.

Next, select the cryptocurrency you wish to send (ETH or USDC) and paste the address of your MetaMask wallet.

unnamed (1).png

Send the cryptocurrency to your MetaMask wallet. You will need to pay gas fees if sending Ethereum.

Once the transaction is confirmed, you should see your ETH in your MetaMask wallet.

Buying $LATR on Uniswap

Now, you need to buy $LATR on an Ethereum Decentralized Exchange called Uniswap.

Navigate to Uniswap.

  1. Connect your Metamask wallet to Uniswap.
  2. Import the $LATR token to Uniswap. $LATR is not currently on the active token list and will need to be added manually. To do this, go to the $LATR Token Listing on Uniswap and select Trade. You will be prompted to import tokens and should now see $LATR as the token swap option in the bottom field of the token swap exchange. You may now swap tokens into your wallet.
    1. Note: Gas fees are still required in the token swap, and you will need to cover those costs. The gas fees are listed in the lower right-hand corner, next to the gas icon.